Flood | Placing Every Home on the Highest Ground
Even with our many days of glorious sunshine, the islands are also afflicted with bouts of torrential rains and flash floods, as well as ocean surges. At Insurance Associates, we have the coverage necessary to adequately supplement homeowner policies that typically do not protect against Hawaii’s most common natural disaster, flooding.
Most homes are vulnerable to flooding, with a quarter of flood claims occurring in areas of low to moderate risk. Even homes on higher ground can fall victim to mudslides and rushing water. Many homeowners don’t qualify for FEMA grants, forcing them to take out additional and expensive home loans to fully repair flood damage. However, an affordable annual premium provides peace of mind and full protection against sudden tragedy.
More than fire and other disasters, floods pose the biggest threat to the most significant investment families will ever make. For over four decades, we’ve provided homeowners with affordable protection against a genuinely unexpected occurrence.